Ol‘ Dirty Bastard’s FBI File
Das der 2004 verstorbene Wu Tang Clan Member nicht Stiefmutters Liebling war, sollte jedem bekannt sein. Berühmt und berüchtigt für seine Drogeneskapaden, Waffenbesitz, Schlägereien und Totalausfällen, machten ODB aber auch zu einer der schillerndsten Figuren des Clans bzw. des ganzen Hip Hops. Nun hat seine komplette FBI Akte den Weg ins Internet gefunden und ich sags vorweg, das Ding ist hat so einige Seiten.
As Pitchfork points out, Rich Jones of hacker-friendly site Gun.io has obtained the document by filing a Freedom of Information Act request with the government. Jones unearthed the entire 90-plus-page piece and posted it for your perusal here. Below you can read some of the most notable points of the file and don’t do this at home, kids.
Highlights from Ol‘ Dirty Bastard’s FBI File:
— „The WTC is heavily involved in the sale of drugs, illegal guns, weapons possession, murder, carjacking and other types of violent crime.“ [p5]
— Connections to the murder of Robert „Pooh“ Johnson and Jerome „Boo Boo“ Estrella. [p6]
— Connection to murder of Ishamael „Hoody“ Kourma. [p13]
— A shoot-out with the NYPD. [p15]
— Arrest for felony possession of body armour. [p16]
— Connections to the Bloods Gang. [p17]
— Found in possession of large bags full of paper currency. [p40]
— Details of his being robbed and shot while staying in the Kingston projects. [p45]
Die komplette Akte gibts hier.
big brother, yo. wie soll man da denn bitteschön nicht paranoid werden? krass.
OG aller!!!! ;)
wu-tang clan ain´t nothing to f–k with
FBI seems to be an ODB, too