Photographers pose with their most popular Images (13 Pictures)

Jeff Widener holds his photo of Tank Man in Tienanmen Square from 1989.

Super interessantes Fotoset von Tim Mantoani:Behind Photographs: Archiving Photographic Legends“ – Fotografen mit Ihren jeweils populärsten Bildern, die Bilder wurden mit einer riesigen 20×24 Polaroid-Kamera gemacht. Vom „Tank Man“ über Ali, von Marilyn über die Beatles, als sie von Ihrem #1 Erfolg in America hören. Von Lyle Owerko (dem Boombox-Man) mit seinem 9/11er-Shot über Seligers Polaroid von Kurt Cobain; all das und mehr gibt’s hier zu sehen, noch wesentlich mehr wird es in einem demnächst erscheinenden Fotobuch von Mantoani geben. Nehmt Euch die Zeit:

„Behind Photographs. The most famous photographs presented by their photographers.“

„Steve McCurry holds his 1984 photo of a young woman from Peshawar, Pakistan. „I looked for this girl for 17 years and finally found her in 2002. Her name is Sharbat Gula.“

Neil Leifer holds his photo, Ali vs. Liston, which he took on May 25, 1965 in Lewiston, Maine.

Bill Eppridge stands with his photo of Robert F. Kennedy after his assassination on June 5, 1968.

Elliot Erwitt: „The picture I am holding was snapped in 1974 just across the street from my apartment in New York’s Central Park. It has been 38 years since that event and sadly I have lost track of the participants.“

„Brent Stirton: „This is Virunga, the first National Park in Africa, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Silverback Mountain Gorilla, along with 6 females, had been killed by a group trying to intimidate conservation rangers into being less proactive in their efforts against poaching & illegal charcoal making.“

Brian Smith: „The magic of photography happens when you don’t see what’s coming next.“

Douglas Kirkland: „This is from my Evening with Marilyn.“

Harry Benson: „Brian Epstein — Beatles‘ manager — had just told them they were number one in America, and I was coming with them to New York, 1964.“

Karen Kuehn: „From the 1993 Cats Story shot for National Geographic. The director Thomas Kennedy asked me to shoot an entire story about ‚cats.‘ He did not want it to be typical!

Lyle Owerko: „No one knew such a beautiful warm day would serve as the backdrop to one of the most painful and confusing events to the heart of mankind. This picture is one small part of such a huge event that ties the threads of thousands of stories and millions of people together.

Mark Seliger: „Originally an inside opener for Rolling Stone cover story of Nirvana in conjunction with the release of In Utero, my first Polaroid (with Negative) was by far the most emotional and revealing of his spirit. Two months later Kurt died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to his head. This photograph became the memorial RS cover.“

Mary Ellen Mark: „I am holding my photograph of Ram Prakash Singh and his beloved elephant Shyama — taken in 1990. Ram Prakash Singh was the ringmaster of „The Great Golden Circus.“ The photograph was done in Ahmedabad India. This was part of my Indian Circus Project.
[via melaz]


7 Antworten zu “Photographers pose with their most popular Images (13 Pictures)”

  1. jens hohmann sagt:

    mannnn… wo gräbst du solche sachen aus? coole nummer.

  2. […] More pics and info about “Behind Photographs” here. 0 var addedComment = function(response) { //console.log('fbComments: Caught added comment'); //console.log('fbComments: Making AJAX call to update Facebook comment count'); $.post('', { fn: 'addComment', xid: '_post53198' }, function(resp) { if (resp === 'true') { //console.log('fbComments: Updated and cached Facebook comment count for post with xid=_post53198'); } else { //console.log('fbComments: FAILED to update Facebook comment count for post with xid=_post53198'); } }); }; FB.Event.subscribe('comments.add', addedComment); […]

  3. Sebastian sagt:

    Schöne Serie, habe ich mittlerweile schon auf einigen anderen Blogs bestaunen dürfen. Mir gefällt besonders die Idee dahinter !

  4. […] Bilder Celebrity Vampires Photographers pose with their most popular Images Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival 2012 Seven Deadly Sins by Luca Pierro Ice storm follows […]

  5. Michael sagt:

    Schön mal die Gesichter hinter den Fotos zu sehen, es sind ja doch ein paar bekannte Fotos zu sehen.

  6. matze sagt:

    sehr spannende sache, das buch wird bestimmt gut

  7. […] Photographers and their work Interesting post showing 13 photographers with one of their most famous shots Photographers pose with their most popular Images (13 Pictures) > Film-/ Fotokunst, Illustratione… […]

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