„Pixelated“ – Unkonventionelle Food Art von Yuni Yoshida aus Tokio

Die kreative Designerin Yuni Yoshida aus Tokio ist bei der Werbeindustrie von Japan extrem gefragt. In einer aktuellen Serie widmet sich die Dame beispielsweise der Food Art. Und auch hier ist ihre Herangehensweise eher unkonventionell. Früchte und Burger kommen hier verpixelt daher und wirken auf den ersten Blick gephotoshopped. Tatsächlich wurden die Pixel hier allerdings manuell gefertigt. Über ihre Arbeiten ließ Yoshida kürzlich verlauten: „I want people to think, “Wait, something is different” and become inspired. That is why I produce something with an immediate visual hook for attention. Yet, I also want it to inspire people to take another closer look.“ – Klappt doch ganz gut, oder?!

Yuni Yoshida is a famous, Tokyo-born art director and designer who has been working on a wide range of jobs, such as advertising, product design or book design, since she first got into the field. She‘s best known in Japan for directing various campaigns for local department stores and CD-jackets for J-Pop artists, and her works usually appear in surreal settings that often have an element of trick art that makes you look twice. When Yuni creates her works, she‘s always trying to attract people‘s attention from their first look. And this series, called “Pixelated”, is a great example of that – this artist manually created “pixels” using various fruits that at first look photoshopped, but when you take a closer look, the process suddenly becomes clear.

[via Bored Panda]


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