„Punk Rock Rainbow Sparkle“ – Paintings by Natalia Fabia (12 Pictures)
Malerein der kalifornischen Künstlerin Natalia Fabia, eine Bilderserie mit dem Namen „Punk Rock Rainbow Sparkle“. Punk als Lebenseinstellung, den Mittelfinger Richtung Establishment, in seinen Gedanken und in seinem Handeln frei zu sein, kraftvolle Farben für starke, unabhängige Frauen. Die Roughness, das Dreckige dieser Kultur in seiner schönsten Ästhetik auf den Punkt gebracht. Strong:
„Punk rock is one of my true loves. Punk to me is an attitude, a lifestyle. Punk is a middle finger, punk is do-it-yourself, do what you want. It’s a kind of freedom. I’m attracted to my subjects for having that quality. This attitude is what I wanted to convey in this series. My models (many of which are friends) are all tough, independent, strong, fun, hard working, talented, tattooed and stylishly dressed. I look at punk rock as being dirty and rough, yet sparkly and enticing at the same time, and that’s the theme of my paintings.“ – Natalia Fabia
[via olanski]
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