„Quotes on Shit“ – Designers From NYC Are Giving Unwanted Items A Voice With Words (8 Pictures)


In ihrem aktuellsten Projekt „Quotes on Shit“ hauchen Jessica Walsh and Timothy Goodman weggeworfenen Gegenständen auf kreative Weise neues Leben ein. Die beiden Designerinnen aus New York bepinseln ungeliebte Gegenstände wie beispielsweise Tassen, Spielzeuge oder Blumentöpfe, welche sie zuvor auf den Straßen des Big Apple auflasen, per Hand mit humorigen Sprüchen oder Zitaten und finden auf diese Weise neue Besitzer für den vermeintlichen Unrat. Die beiden Damen selbst, haben über ihr Projekt folgendes zu sagen:

We all use so much shit. We collect shit, buy shit, steal shit, trade shit and then throw shit away. So what happens with all this old shit? Is there a life after it leaves our hands? Shit winds up in our garbage, on our streets, in our landfills, and in our junk shops. We feel bad for this abandoned and rejected shit so we’re rescuing these objects and breathing new life into them by giving them a voice with words. We want to turn old shit into new shit, and give them a second chance to be loved and help find this shit a new home.

New York City designers Jessica Walsh and Timothy Goodman has embarked on a new project which purpose to give new life to unwanted objects, titled ‘Quotes on Shit’. The idea of the project is to collect unwanted and rejected items of all sorts from the public — such as cups, toys, flower pots — to “rescue and breathe new life into it by giving it a voice with words”, turning them into decorative items. These items with witty hand-lettered quotes are then given away to anyone who are interested in taking them home.







[via Designtaxi]


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