„Recycling Kingdom“ – New Large Scale Mural by Street Artist Rustam Qbic in Napier // New Zealand

Der russische Street Artist Rustam Qbic verstand es bereits im letzten Jahr ganz hervorragend, uns mit seinen dopen Wallart-Pieces zu entzücken. Unter Umständen erinnert Ihr Euch noch an die Murals „Sailor Story“ (Perth/Australien) und „After School“ (Bodø/Norwegen). Wir freuen uns sehr, Euch heute endlich ein brandneues Stück Street Art aus der Qbic’schen Feder bzw. Spraydose präsentieren zu können. „Recycling Kingdom“ so der Titel seines neusten Streichs, welcher soeben im Rahmen des „Sea Walls: Murals for Oceans„-Projekts in Napier/Neuseeland, gefinished wurde. Mit sehenswerten Murals wurde vor Ort erneut auf wichtige Themen wie beispielsweise die bedenkliche Entwicklung von Küstengebieten, Finning, Kunststoffverschmutzung der Meere oder die notwendige Erhaltung von Korallenriffen und Riff-Arten aufmerksam gemacht:

Rustam Qbic recently finished his latest large scale mural titled “Recycling Kingdom”, for Seawalls Projects by Pangeaseed Foundation in Napier, New Zealand. Slightly stepping away from his signature imagery and color palette, Rusian artist painted an environmentally focused image that is paying tribute to human’s relationship and dependence on our oceans. Using spray paint and acrylic paint Qbic quickly worked his way through this meaningful piece depicting 3 children on top of a large whale. With one of the children cleaning the oil from the ocean’s surface, while others are building a shelter on a large mammal, the image is a metaphor for the major environmental problems we’re leaving for future generations. As usual with his work, the mural carries a positive feel to it, showing the unity of different nationalities and races, as well as unity with the nature. The idea of this work is to raise awareness of this concealed egoism which we are used not to notice until is too late. Seawalls Projects by Pangeaseed Foundation is promoting the finding of a serious approach to waste recycling and extraction of feedstock from it, as well as the construction of new cities which will not contaminate the world around.

[via SAN]


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