„Seeing Red“ – Model Emily Sears Captured by Photographer Van Styles in West Hollywood

Der Name Van Styles dürfte dem aufmerksamen WHUDAT-Leser mittlerweile ein bekannter Begriff sein. Mit zahlreichen Sets von entzückenden Models oder imposantem Street-Photography & Aerial-Footage, verstand es der Fotograf aus Los Angeles in der Vergangenheit Bestens, uns zu unterhalten. Zum Start ins Wochenende spendiert uns der Kalifornier heute ein neues Set unter dem Titel „Seeing Red“. Im Zentrum der Reihe steht in diesem Fall niemand Geringeres als seine Langzeit-Muse Emily Sears (Features + checkt ihr Instagram: @emilysears – 4,2 Mio Follower!). Über seine Zusammenarbeit mit dem bezaubernden Model ließ der Fotograf Folgendes verlauten: „It is always great to get together and create with people you have a history with. The whole process of making photos with one another has already been established and usually is understood if you have done so a few times. Emily Sears is one of these persons.“ Vor etwa 4 Jahren stellte Michele Maturo den Kontakt zwischen Model und Fotograf her, was den beiden eine Freundschaft und uns Einiges an Eyecandy bescherte. Ein paar Highlights vom jüngsten Shooting der beiden im London Hotel von West Hollywood gibt’s direkt hier unten. Happy Friday:

Emily Sears and I had met about 4 years ago through Michele Maturo. Since then we had done a few shoots and overall have been able to maintain or cordial working relationship. So when she suggested we should get together to create again to me that was a no brainer. It had been sometime since we last linked up and was definitely long over due. I rented out a room at the London Hotel in West Hollywood for our day. While I feel we have definitely made some awesome photo sets in the past we both seemed to have a bit of a light hearted and fun approach to this day. One of the sets we made that I loved was her in this cool red one piece. With a balcony getting some great lighting on it we decided to shoot this out there. I loved being able to utilize the harsh light along with the shadows that were falling. The best part about this is just having a mutual respect and understanding for each other allowing for a great creative process. Thank you Emily for being down to shoot again. And for those of you who have been asking for us to make some more photos together again here you go. – Van Styles

[via V/SUAL]


Eine Antwort zu “„Seeing Red“ – Model Emily Sears Captured by Photographer Van Styles in West Hollywood”

  1. Peter Siersdale sagt:

    Excellent !

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