‚SOLEIL – Blinded by the Light‘ – Street Art-Ikone INTI mit neuem Mural in Lyon

Bereits seit 2012 verfolgen wir bekanntlich das durchweg dope Schaffen der chilenische Street Art-Ikone INTI (Features). Heute haben wir ein brandneues Piece des guten Mannes für Euch im Prgramm. Im Rahmen des Peinture Fraiche Festival entstand soeben das imposant daherkommende Mural ‚SOLEIL‘ (Blinded by the Light) im französischen Lyon. Ein paar Impressionen dieses großartigen Stücks Wallart in den INTI Signature-Farben Violett & Orange-Gold gibt’s direkt hier unten zu bestaunen. Just have a look – Pure Dopeness:

For the Peinture Fraiche Festival, Chilean street artist INTI recently painted a large-scale mural on a building in Lyon, France. Titled “SOLEIL” (Blinded by the Light), the piece features a sun-shaped bouquet of flowers framing, obstructing, and fusing with the face of a cosmic figure that stands several stories tall. The wall art uses INTI’s signature violet and orange-gold hues to draw the eye to the top of the building. Varied shades of orange give the flowers depth as they become the figure’s face and shirt. The purple of her neck provides a glimpse of space littered with plastics and other objects, and a closer look past the scissors and down the streaking grey tones of the arms reveals a bird clutched in one of the hands of the mysterious giant.

[via Colossal]


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