Streetart: New Vhils Mural in Paris (6 Pictures)
Der portugisische Streetartist Alexandre „Vhils“ Farto meldet sich mit einem Konsumgesellschafts-kritischen Artwork zurück. Ihr kennt seinen Signature Style, er sprengt und meisselt für seine Werke Teile des Putzes aus den Wänden, anstatt wie üblich Farbe aufzutragen. Das hier stammt aus einer stillgelegten, herrenlosen, geheimen Location in Paris. Seine Arbeiten werden immer filigraner, ele tem feito muito bem:
„We are confused as to why Coca-Cola and Pepsi are peeking out from this portrait by Portuguese artist, Alexandre „Vhils“ Farto, but ether way it’s a beautiful piece. The artist and his crew use a unique method of chipping and scrapping away at the exterior of weathered walls to create one-of-a-kind portraits. This newest piece is located in an unknown location in Paris, France.“
[via mosaic]
Interesting art. I’m rather an old school artist but this is nice.