Streetart: ROA in Gambia (10 Photos + Video)

Im Rahmen seines einjährigen Weltreise-Projekts hat der belgische Streetartist ROA (kein Unbekannter hier) Halt in Gambia/Westafrika gemacht, für die Art Safari Wide Open Walls hat er dort ein paar seiner bekannten Artworks an die Wände gebracht. Die Idee war, die dortigen Dörfer eine Art lebendes Kunstprojekt zu verwandeln:

„Wide Open Walls was founded by Lawrence Williams, one of the owners of Makasutu, a conservation project home to a set of magnificent river lodges at Mandina in The Gambia, West Africa. (…) The basic idea was to turn villages in the area (falling under the Ballabu Conservation Project) into a living art project. This year saw the first time collaboration between Wide Open Walls and Write on Africa, a South African based organization started by Ricky Lee Gordon (a.k.a Freddy Sam). “Write On Africa” is a community art project based in Cape Town South Africa. It’s main focus being to encourage inspiration and urban rejuvenation through special events, initiatives and art in public space to “inspire ourselves to inspire others to inspire change”.“


[via juxtapoz]


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