SUB CITY Paris – Paris Metro in Slowmotion (Clip)

Ihr erinnert Euch sicherlich noch an SUB CITY New York, oder? Without many words – here’s Paris:

„Three years ago in Paris I got out of a „metro“ train at La Concorde, and saw suddenly a beautiful face. I could not find any words that seemed to me worthy, or as lovely as that sudden emotion.“ (Ezra Pound) – This is the continuation of a series that explores that moment of uncertainty and magic that happens when you emerge from the depths of the subway system.

[via vimeo]


2 Antworten zu “SUB CITY Paris – Paris Metro in Slowmotion (Clip)”

  1. skFFM sagt:

    hach, das ist ja mal schön :)

  2. Raphael sagt:

    Sehr schönes Video, guter Fang (Fund).

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