„Sunsets Are Where Heaven & Earth Meet“ – Fire in the Sky over Los Angeles Captured by John Logic
Zum Start in die neue Woche schickt uns Fotograf John Logic ein wenig virtuelles Vitamin D ins kalte, tristgraue Deutschland. Der 21-jährige Kalifornier fängt mit Vorliebe Cali-Vibes in Form von grandiosen Sonnenaufgängen rund um seine Heimatstadt Los Angeles ein. Einige Highlights aus seinem imposanten Skyporn-Repertoire machen diesen verregneten Montagmorgen doch ein Stück weit erträglicher. Sunsets Are Where Heaven & Earth Meet… Enjoy:
My name is John Logic & I’m a 21 year old photographer based in the amazing city of Los Angeles. I have been taking photos for about 2 years now but have always had a passion for art itself. For me, photography is much more than just clicking a button. It’s either capturing a moment or creating it myself. It’s something I take very seriously. However I know I am not the only photographer in existence. So what separates me from the rest? I take everything into account. Everything. From the time of day, to the weather, personality of each individual, and the characteristics of each product. It all goes hand in hand together to make the best photo possible & I hope to create your next visual.
[via modernnotoriety]
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