Surreal Oil Paintings of Eyes and Mouths on Glass by Artist Henrik Uldalen
Ãœber die herrlich surrealistisch daherkommenden Gemälde des aus Oslo/Norwegen stammenden Künstlers Henrik Aarrestad Uldalen stolperten wir erstmals im Jahr 2012. Einige seiner spooky Artworks haben wir hier auf WHUDAT bereits vorgestellt. In einer aktuellen, fortlaufenden Serie präsentiert uns der talentierte Künstler nun diverse Kreationen von Augen und Mündern auf Glas. The dark sides of life, nihilism, existentialism, longing and loneliness, juxtaposed with fragile beauty – Solltet Ihr gesehen haben:
Henrik Aarrestad Uldalen (1986) is a self-taught artist whose creative production revolves around classic figurative painting, presented in a contemporary manner. Henrik explores the dark sides of life, nihilism, existentialism, longing and loneliness, juxtaposed with fragile beauty. The atmosphere in his subject matter is often presented in a dream or limbo-like state, with elements of surrealism. His focus on atmospheres rather than narratives and realism leaves his painting open for many interpretations.
[via colossal]
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