The Apollo 11 Moon Landing – Recut to Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: Space Odyssey (Clip)
Am 20. Juli jährt sich die Mondlandung der Apollo 11 zu 45sten Mal, Grund genug für Nick Acosta, ein wunderschönes Mashup zu produzieren: Die „Apollo 11 Mondlandung“ vs. Stanley Kubrick’s „2001: Space Odyssey“. Oder anders: wie hätte es wohl ausgesehen, wenn Regisseur-, Produzenten- und Drehbuchautoren-Legende Stanley Kubrick die Mondlandung directed hätte?! Ich will es Euch sagen – so:
„Back in 1968 director Stanley Kubrick along with co-creator Arthur C. Clarke were making what would later become the greatest science fiction film of all time, 2001: A Space Odyssey. The story revolves around space travel and man’s place in the universe. (…) Now at the 45th anniversary of mankind’s last great Space Odyssey, the Apollo 11 moon landing, I have created this short film using NASA’s own high def engineering footage and the astronaut’s home movies. The premise, what if Stanley Kubrick had directed the moon landing?“
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