„The Dreamtime“ – Photorealistic Art of Hair Braids

Großartige und beinahe fotorealistische Zeichnungen aus der Reihe „The Dreamtime“ der Künstlerin So Yoon Lym die verschiedenste und teils extrem aufwendige Flechtfrisuren gezeichnet hat und dazu Folgendes zu sagen:

The Dreamtime is inspired by the Aboriginal stories and visions of creation. Each braided pattern, carried by the students, is a map of the ancient universe, a topographical palimpsest of the world in pattern: valleys, mountains, forests, oceans, rivers, streams. The painter and the hair-braider lay down their marks like their predecessor creator beings, carving and inscribing, creating and being, in turn, created by their labor. These braid patterns are the language for the new aboriginal, the transplanted and de-territorialized nomad. The braid patterns both record journeys to the present and re-present cartographical longings; they are a stamp of entry into a brave new world order while simultaneously re-membering prehistory.


Ein Gastbeitrag von euerm Honki, dessen Haare vor langer Zeit mal flechtbar waren.


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