„The Soul on Fire“ – Great Visual Diary of the Surreal Atmosphere at „Burning Man“ by Victor Habchy
Der französische Fotograf Victor Habchy zählte in diesem Jahr zu den glücklichen Menschen, welche ein Ticket für das wohl besonderste Festival der Welt ergattern konnten. Die Rede ist natürlich vom weltbekannten „Burning Man“ in Black Rock Desert. Alljährlich finden sich bekanntlich an die 50.000 Besucher in der Wüste Nevadas ein, um dort eine gesamte Woche gemeinsam Kunst und Selbstdarstellung sowie eine riesige Party zu zelebrieren. Der Fotograf aus Paris hat einige seiner Eindrücke in einem ziemlich grandiosen Visual-Diary festgehalten. Er selbst sagt über seinen Besuch des diesjährigen „Burning Man“-Festivals: „Never in my life have I experienced more love, more freedom and more self-expression. This place gathers everything that is left from the human dreams and utopia and how, by every individual means, we could work together to build up a better world + No, this is not photoshop, yes there is a place like this on earth!“ – Biddesehr:
This summer, I was burning. I was one of those lucky people who could get a ticket to the Burning Man, a festival in the middle of the desert of Nevada in the US. I read a lot about it, trying to figure out how it could be. How can I be prepared to spend a week with no electricity, sleeping on a small tent at 40°C, with a much reduced amount of water and food? But as soon as I arrived, I understood you can’t really get prepared to this simply because you just don’t know it. Then I figured out they were actually no preparation you should follow; all you need is to let it go. – Victor Habchy
[via petapixel]
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