„The Squirrel House“ – Großartiges Ground-Mural von Street Artist TEN in Norwegen

Ein wirklich beachtliches Stück Street Art platzierte Riccardo Ten Colombo aka TEN kürzlich in Kvinnherad. Im Rahmen des „Moving Mountains„-Festival spendierte der gute Mann der Kommune in der norwegischen Fylke Hordaland ein Ground-Mural von besonderer Güte. Den Boden des örtlichen Rosendal-Skatepark bepinselte TEN in seiner bekannten „Triangolism“-Technik in verschiedenen Blautönen. Erst beim Blick aus der Vogelperspektive erschließt sich dem Betrachter hier die gesamte Genialität des etwa 35 Meter messenden Giant-Artworks. Ein Eichhörnchen in seinem persönlichen Häuschen …Pure Dopeness!

Street Artist Riccardo Ten Colombo, aka TEN, has just completed a new mural in West Norway where he was invited to participate at Moving Mountains festival, in the Kvinnherad community. Ten decided to paint Rosendal Skatepark’s floor by creating an art work dedicated to the squirrel, in particular to the red squirrel, that it will most likely disappear in the coming decades. The extinction of this animal is due to the introduction in Europe of other predatory squirrels imported from North America by humans. Following his distinctive technique defined as “ Triangolism” (namely the choice to use the contrast between pure colors, complementary colors, light and shade, warm and cold tones), TEN tries to dismantle and to rebuild his subjects taken from the animal world by breaking them up into simple geometric shapes.

[via SAN]


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