„THIS GAME WE PLAY“ – Basketball Hoops Across New York City (13 Pictures)

This_Game_We_Play_NYC_Basketball_Courts_by_Franck _Bohbot_2014_08

This_Game_We_Play_NYC_Basketball_Courts_by_Franck _Bohbot_2014_09

This_Game_We_Play_NYC_Basketball_Courts_by_Franck _Bohbot_2014_10

This_Game_We_Play_NYC_Basketball_Courts_by_Franck _Bohbot_2014_11

This_Game_We_Play_NYC_Basketball_Courts_by_Franck _Bohbot_2014_12

This_Game_We_Play_NYC_Basketball_Courts_by_Franck _Bohbot_2014_13

Seiten: 1 2


3 Antworten zu “„THIS GAME WE PLAY“ – Basketball Hoops Across New York City (13 Pictures)”

  1. uli sagt:

    True love for the game!

  2. Nick O. sagt:

    If we wanted to use some of these images on our products, how much would you charge us for use?

  3. Sahjah sagt:

    Just contact the artist/photographer…

    Franck Bohbot: info@franckbohbot.com

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