„This Side of Paradise“ – When Streetart meets History (22 Pics)

This Side of Paradise ist ein Streetart/Stadtentwicklungs Projekt von „No Longer Empty“ und dem „Mid-Bronx Council„, welches wie der Name schon erahnen lässt, alte, heruntergekommene Gebäude revitalisiert und speziell in diesem Falle mithilfe von Streetart. Bei der am 4. April in der Bronx, New York, beginnenden Ausstellung sind 32 Streetartists beteiligt, jeder davon konnte sich in einem Raum frei austoben. Das untere Bild zeigt die damalige, noch intakte Villa von Millionär Andrew Freeman, es folgen die geschichtlichen Interpretationen, die jedem Raum und somit dem ganzen Gebäude neues Leben einhauchen. Fantastisches Projekt.

Slome is President and Chief Curator of No Longer Empty, a contemporary public art organization that takes empty buildings that are often in disrepair and revitalizes them with site-responsive contemporary art exhibitions. Together with the Mid Bronx Senior Citizens Council, the non-profit that has owned the 117,000 square foot complex since 1984, No Longer Empty is curating a 32 artist show that for two months will offer curious visitors the first peek at the decrepitude that is slowly being enlivened.  Since bidding farewell to their last upper crust in the early 1980s, the crusty decay of walls and ceilings has been curling and peeling and dropping to the floor. With artists interpreting the history and memories of the place along with their own take on the economics involved, the results are definitely site specific.





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