Unique and Creative Portraits made from Donuts by Artist Candice CMC


Herrlich kreative Portraits-Artworks, welche dem Betrachter erst aus größerer Entfernung offenbaren, welche bekannte Persönlichkeit dargestellt wird, entwirft die Künstlerin Candice CMC. Das Besondere… die Konterfeis von Albert Einstein, Vincent van Gogh, Marilyn Monroe oder Mr. Spock werden aus Donuts fabriziert! Bis zu 1000 unterschiedliche Exemplare des leckeren Schmalzgebäcks aus Amerika werden hier von Candice CMC im Vorfeld abgelichtet und im Anschluss auf passende Weise zu einem beeindruckenden Gesamtbild arrangiert. Einige Beispiele aus dem Schaffen der kreativen Spezialistin für Grafik- und Verpackungsdesign findet Ihr direkt hier unten. Bon Appétit:

The Photographic arrangements of Candice CMC receive an immediate response on the part of the viewer. When viewed from a distance, you see the recognizable face, but you realize that it has a certain look to it, then, as you get closer you say to yourself…“Donuts“, and you realize the the face you have recognized is made up entirely of photographs of donuts, some images using over 1000 donuts. Candice first photographs the donuts and then studies the tones and values of each so that she can arrange them to form the characteristics of the face she is creating. The images below, show the full work of art along with a detail close up of the donuts so that you can see what makes up the portrait. Candice has worked in graphic design and package design, and with these new photographic arrangements she has put her artistic and design talents to work creating these unique and creative portraits.







[via everythingaboutdesign]


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