„Usual Unusual“ – New Massive Mural by Street Artists Do & Khatra in Hyderabad // India
Die Organisatoren des St+Art India Festivals bescherten den Menschen in New Delhi in diesem Jahr eine ganze Rutsche uberdoper Murals. Zahlreiche internationale Street Artists wie z.B. Borondo, Nevercrew (hier & hier), Hendrik Beikirch aka ECB oder Avinash & Kamesh steuerten ganz großartige Artworks bei, welche wir Euch an dieser Stelle schon präsentiert haben. In Hyderabad entstand soeben mit „Usual Unusual“ ein weiteres prächtiges Wandbild im Rahmen dieses Projekts, welches von den lokalen Künstlern Do & Khatra gefertigt wurde. Das farbgewaltige Wandbild zeigt einen älteren Herren bei der alltäglichen Morgenhygiene. Zu ihrem Werk ließen die beiden Künstler folgendes verlauten: „Makhta is a livewire of a place, full of chaos and children. Before starting off, we were clueless and confused about what we were going to make on this gigantic wall. What we knew for sure was that we wanted to create something funny and light-hearted. A piece that will hopefully bring a smile on the faces of the people who live here. We observed some very old citizens living around there. We then then randomly decided to paint a huge old man, who goes by the name of Aataji, who has one teeth and is holding a toothbrush with one bristle, with a crowing rooster on his arm. The depiction is a usual morning sight, but in an unusual way“. Und so sieht das Ganze aus. Just have a look + Enjoy:
Street Artists Do and Khatra recently finished a brand new collaboration for the St+Art Festival which took place on the streets of Hyderabad in India. The Indian Street Art duo quickly worked their way through this super fun piece which shows an elder man about to brush his only teeth. The piece is painted using pastel colors and against a cyan background that really pops.
[via SAN]
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