„Villains Need Love“ – Cute Illustrations of Pop Culture Characters by Nacho Diaz
Der spanische Künstler Nacho Diaz illustriert mit Vorliebe bekannte Figuren aus dem Pop Culture-Zirkus. Auch in seinem neusten Projekt „Villains Need Love“ kommen bekannte Characters aus Film/TV, Comics oder Videospielen zu Einsatz. Im Zentrum der Serie stehen diesmal die Bösewichter und Gegenspieler diverser bekannter Geschichten, welche hier mit etwas Liebe konfrontiert werden. Er selbst sagte über seine aktuelle Reihe: „Villains are usually the most interesting characters. Most of the time they are the way they are because they had a hard time in the past, so I thought… Would they be different with some love in their lives? Would they still be these grumpy guys we love? That’s how Villains Need Love started.“ Direkt hier unten gibt’s einige Beispiele aus „Villains Need Love“… Enjoy:
Villains are usually the most interesting characters. Most of the time they are the way they are because they had a hard time in the past, so I thought… Would they be different with some love in their lives? This is why I started drawing villains (and some grumpy guys) being loved by their antagonists. Once I started, I just couldn’t stop and it became a passion project with what I think is a beautiful idea, everything would be better with some love!
[via BP]
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