„We Shall Overcome“ – A New Massive Mural by German Street Artist Case Ma’Claim in Jersey City // USA
Die dopen Arbeiten des deutschen Street Artists Case Ma’Claim haben wir an dieser Stelle bereits mehrfach gefeatured (hier, hier & hier). Case aus Frankfurt am Main, der weltweit für seinen photorealistischen Writing-Stil sowie für sein Hand-based-Imagery-Trademark bekannt ist, veröffentlichte mit „We Shall Overcome“ soeben ein weiteres, grandioses Mural in Jersey City/New Jersey. Inwiefern das 25-jährige Jubiläum der Deutschen Einheit als Inspiration zu seinem neuen Artwork diente und weshalb es an genau diesem Ort platziert werden musste, beantwortet Case hier selbst:
I keep celebrating 25 years of German unity and there is no better place to celebrate the freedom of traveling and experiencing different people from all over the world than New York City, especially for someone like me that was born and raised in the Eastern part of Germany in the late seventies. In fact, New York was my first intercontinental destination back in the spring of 2001, when 5 Pointz used to be called Phun Phactory and was still alive. Since then I have seen over 20 countries with the opportunity to leave my fingerprints in each one. I am thankful for that! The people I met and the memories we have will forever keep me from wasting this one life that was given to me from being a racist! There is no way I’ll let my life be filled with hate or anger for anybody. As long as I can I’ll spread the idea of unity! We shall overcome!
The German street artist Case Ma’Claim was given the opportunity to work his magic on the side a huge building located downtown Jersey City. After a few days of work Case unveiled this brilliant piece showing some of his trademark hand-based imagery.
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